Secondary School

CIC Secondary School is an exciting time for our students. When elementary students enter the world of Middle School and learn that there are no longer cubbies, lines to travel from place to place, and a home classroom. These have been replaced by assigned lockers, a full seven-period schedule with separate classrooms for each subject, and Advisory, which is like home room each day for 15-20 minutes and where an advisor helps answer questions and gives support in daily school needs: academic and personal.


As the students advance through CIC Secondary School, they learn that the classes and grades will be what colleges consider in college applications. CIC Secondary School offers a complete college-prep program that includes many AP offerings: Art, Chemistry, English, French, Spanish, History, Biology, and Calculus. In addition to these advanced offerings, there are many electives for the student to choose: Choir, Web Page Design, Studio Art, Psychology, and Computer Topics.


CIC Secondary School offers the students the opportunity to grow and discover who they are while learning with the goal of one day going off to college and future careers.


AR Quizzing
Learning Support Program

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